5 steps for the balance of life

In our daily routine, we get stuck on a bored life, without time for anything and consuming, what leads to a lot of cases of stress, anxiety and even panic and depression. For a life more harmonious, happy and healthy, we need to leave this routine aside sometimes.

1-A tour outdoor 

Get out of your house or your working environment, and go for a walk on your neighborhood, in the square or parks can help on the recomposition of the ideas and reflections about what you desire (wishes, dreams, feelings).

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2- Arts

See a theater play, listen to music, draw, write poems and other things help us to relax, and in a lot of chaos, transmit our feelings and ideas for ourselves.

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How to talk about stability without mentioning “Yoga”? The practice has the objective of “balance the body and the soul”, and ensure your inner peace.

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4- Travel

Meet new places, culture and costumes enrich not only our material world, but our knowledge too. Beside this, if it’s a camping, beach or trail, it keeps us more close to the nature.

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5- Therapy

Go to a therapist once a week helps on the balance of our emotional and mental health.

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